Lately I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had time for new posts. I had a tragic incident happen (or so it feels tragic to me) which is also holding up my posts. My SD card, which I keep my documents for the blog, crashed. I back it up every other day but I hadn’t in a few days due to a busy schedule and during those few days, quickly jotted things down in entries I was preparing for the next few posts. With that and some of the photos gone, I have an outdated backup that I must now rewrite.
But it doesn’t stop there! Oh no...
Many of the posts I’ve pre-written for the blog. I’m sure I’m not the only one who does that since you must have some sort of outline of what you want to add as you go along. I am a writer and I edit until it says exactly what I mean to say. As a writer, I know that your reader cannot see into your head. They don’t know the background or the supporting information you know. Everything must be crystal clear for your reader to be able to ingrain themselves and participate in what they are reading to enjoy the experience. Needless to say I try to be quite thorough.
And then it happened. I am moving into a new house. I am very excited but now many of my future posts do not apply anymore.
I’m an extremely organized person and I wrote several posts on how I organize my dolls and craft supplies. Organization is very important to me. With all I do with my dolls, if I wasn’t organized I’d be in real trouble.
In my new house I have to set up a whole new program because the layout is much different. I’ve thought about still posting my old way to inspire those that can use the ideas I’d implemented in my old house. After 15 years I have to make this big change. But being as organized as I am, I started to dismantle everything as soon as I got my new house and began moving things over the moment I took possession. I have two months to move everything but knowing me as I am, I had to begin right away.
However, after realizing that I should have taken photos of the way I organized things, I had already cleared out a lot of the stuff. I quickly got my phone and snapped a few photos but they are not that good. Still when I do post them, one should be able to get the idea of what I had set up prior to moving this all.
So needless to say, with all the activity of moving and preparing my new house (painting and so on) as well as cleaning my old house, I am crazy busy and don’t spend much time on my dolls.
I haven’t had any time to update the outdated materials I lost from the SD card crashing and so I know that the next posts on the girls are going to be few and far between. I think about this all the time but it’s fleeting because I get immediately pulled away with all the other activity going on. And I do get very depressed when I think about all the updated data lost from my SD card crashing.
I know there are many worse things in the world but currently in my world, my SD card was my lifeline to my doll world. Sigh….
Through this I have implemented the next tool which I hope will work better for me in the future. I now immediately email myself a document when I create it or update it (this includes photos). And when I create new documents from scratch (as I am doing with this post) I have created it in Google Docs. I can access it anywhere and I don’t have to worry that it will crash (at least I hope not!) Then I copy it into a Word document (which is emailed to myself). I keep a word document of all my posts which include the pictures in the document as it was originally posted. All posts are labeled and filed in my Teen Trends Dolls hard drive. This way if I ever need to access the information as I posted it when I am offline, I can with ease.
I think I’ve solved the documents problems and I know that once I am moved and settled in my new house, I will be able to resume the posts on my blog on a regular basis. I will have set up my craft area, my doll area and the space I will use while creating the Magic and Mayhem series. Yes, things will get back to normal and I’m looking forward to that.
All is not lost...just delayed a bit...
As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.
Blessed Be, My Friends!