Friday 8 May 2015

A Life of Many Wonders

Part of the allure of my doll collecting is being able to create a personality unique to the doll.  Depending on your intention, a well rounded character makes for fun and exciting dioramas and scripts.  I would like to think I am creative but extra inspiration is definitely helpful.  What’s more supportive than information about a persona? 

Lovingly referred to as “my girls”, these 4 dolls are unique in their own right.  Aside from their Spiritual associations to me, I've created personalities for them in the same style as I have all my Barbie’s.  The tool I created is called “Luck of the Draw”. 

Just to clarify the process I’m about to describe, all my dolls choices are randomly drawn.  The outcome is always interesting to see.

“Luck of the Draw” is a process I use to pick choices from categories of stuff which make up our personalities.  I created this list of preferences over the course of about 18 years.

The process is really quite simple.  I printed out labels of all choices from all categories.  The labels are stuck onto plastic bingo chips (as per the pictures below) and a small label is affixed to the back with the first letter of the “doll type”.  B for Barbie, K for Ken etc.  The reason behind the “doll type” label for my Barbie’s is because not all choices are appropriate for all the doll types.  Babies don’t drink alcohol, for example, where as Ken does (in my Barbie village).  There is a set of bingo chips for each doll “age” with the appropriate categories and choices.  The bingo chips for the category I’m working on are put into a deep bowl and I choose a name of a doll and pick out a bingo chip.  The choice on the chip becomes one of their preferences for their profile.
Each of my girls gets 3 individual choices (unlike my Barbie’s which only get 2 choices). 

The categories available are: Food and beverages, movies & TV shows, books, places & locations, cars, music, flowers, gems, colors, animals both domestic & wild, sports, hobbies, holidays, seasons, likes, dislikes, habits - both good and bad, personality type, secret desires, musical instruments, super powers, fears, spa pampering, vacation destinations, language, toys, games, and school subjects.  I hope I didn't miss any! (grin)

The doll’s preferences help me to create consistent dioramas.  In addition to that, it helps me invent new scenarios based on things they enjoy.  For example, if during “Luck of the Draw” the sport of skiing comes up as one of the girls’ favorite winter sports, then I can use this information to create a skiing scene and write an appropriate script.

Creating personalities for all my Barbie’s has always been a lot of fun.  Now I get to repeat it for my girls.  My girls are very happy to share their personalities and here it goes!  Let’s see what each girl is all about….coming up next!

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

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