Tuesday 30 June 2015

Storing the Girls Safely

Since my girls don’t have a house yet, my main concern is keeping them safe and in good condition.  Having their own box is essential to keeping them clean and their hair from getting matted and overly tangled.  But these girls are 17 inches long and about 5 inches wide at the elbows.  Finding the right box to store them was a challenge.

A long time ago I got a box of cookies as a birthday gift from the company I worked for.  The box was long and narrow and I kept it because I am never one to throw away anything that could be useful. (grin)

Nearly 10 years later that box is still with me and finally found good use for it!  Wiccah fit perfectly in it as if it were made for her.
That being said, I was showing my son the box one day and remarked how I wished that cookie company was still around and I could get the boxes for Summer and Rowan too.  I didn’t have Amber yet but knowing I would someday (hoping anyway) I wished for 4 brand new boxes.  My son told me that they had one of the cookie branches in the university HUB mall and he would see if he could get them for me. 

He had a heck of a time acquiring them because they were not sold separately – you had to buy the cookies too and they retailed at about $45 a box.  He finally managed to convince them to give him just the boxes and bought them for $8.00 each.  I was shocked that they would be so much for a box but my son bought them anyway and told me the price later.  Clever guy….
Now the girls were safely ensconced in the protective boxes and I was confident in their safety.

Even though Rowan has one of these beautiful red boxes, she uses the original box because it is hers for when I toted her around.  Since Rowan travels with me a lot, she needs a safe place.  This older box did the trick and her new one was kept in good condition with the other girls.
I constantly marvel at how lucky I am to find unique items just when I need them.  It’s like I have a lucky star shining over my head.  I am always eternally grateful for good things that come my way…even if it’s just a few boxes to store my favorite girls!

As always, let kindness and positive energy fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

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