Friday, 19 May 2017

Our Generation Wood Working Kit

Another great find in a Las Vegas Target in 2017 was the Our Generation tool set.  I was unaware of this set so when I found it, I was excited.  It cost me $6.99 USD and it’s so cute!
It comes with a jar of nails, a can of paint, a saw, hammer, a paint brush and birdhouse.

As my girls become more active in the Magic and Mayhem series, they each have a “job” within the family and those jobs or talents will be a large source of their scenes within the series.  Cassiopeia is The Builder / Craftsman in the family.  I chose her for this job because of her missing pinky finger.  I will model a finger for her out of sculpy someday soon (I hope).

I have no intention whatsoever of making a scene where her finger is cut off.  I need to make that clear.  I would never do that as this series is geared for my grandchildren to enjoy and learn valuable lessons from.  I want the series to be fun, funny and informative in a humorous way as well as really enjoyable to see all the furniture and accessories collected and set up for the dolls.
As you can see in the pictures, Teirra (this day's model) is working with the tools and they are just the right size for her to use.
Since I build a lot of things for myself and my dolls I have a very healthy respect for the tools I use.  Safety is paramount because I don’t want to end up getting hurt and not being able to do what I love the most.

All that being said, I have already penned a few scripts where one of the girls is building or fixing things around their homestead.  I now need only to insert Cassiopeia’s name as the sister with the Building and Crafting talent.  I am looking forward to setting up her scenes.  The sky’s the limit in what she can be doing next!

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

My Life Wheelchair Set

I really like the My Life Wheelchair set.  It comes with a few accessories but I love the wheelchair itself.
The set works with my girls sizing except for a couple things.  The cast is way too big and as you can in the picture, both of Wiccah’s feet fit in it.
It goes to show you how much of a size difference from the 17” Teen Trends dolls to the 18” My Life dolls.  Many items are just completely out of scale and can’t be used.  The crutches are a little tall but that is easily rectified as I will cut them down and put another end piece on the bottom of the crutch.  In the picture Wiccah’s feet are about ¾ inch off the ground.
The wheelchair is just right.  Tierra is pushing Wiccah and has her hands on the handles and Wiccah’s feet touch the foot rests.
I will eventually paint the set so that I can tone down the pink.  The fabric seat is pink but at least I can make the wheels and other details a better color.  
Overall I am glad I bought the set as I think that it will be fun to incorporate it in a scene in some way.  I have to think up some great story-lines now.  It’s all fun and games and if someone breaks a leg….we’re covered!

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Physical Ed Gear

The Our Generation Badminton set was one I had not seen before I found it in a Las Vegas Target during my 2017 trip to Phoenix.  It is adorable and if there would have been 2 sets available to buy at the time, I would have bought both.  However, I only got one set so my girls can only play as a pair.

I hope to find another set at another time as I think it would be so cute to have the girls play doubles.  The set includes a water bottle, head band, 3 birdies, a container for the birdies, and 2 rackets.

The furniture and accessories I’ve been collecting for the girls have opened lots of doors for the Magic and Mayhem series.  To be able to show the girls in all kinds of everyday activities with a little twist of magic will be a whole lot of fun to create.
The badminton set is truly a cute set and I will enjoy setting the girls up for their first match!

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Our Generation Little Owie Fix-It Kit

The Little Owie Fix-It Kit was cute and I thought would be a good set for the girls.I got it at 20% off which made it $10.39.
Inside this set is 1 first aid case, 1 thermometer, 1 Tensor bandage, 1 bottle of peroxide, 1 bottle of medicine, and 2 cards of adhesive band aids.  These Band-Aids look like they can really be applied.
Not that I want the girls to be hurt, but accidents happen and they have to fix scrapes and stuff from climbing trees and general life experiences.  I want my grandchildren to enjoy the story-line for my girls; I want my grandchildren to also see that there are dangers in the world and how to keep themselves safe.
My dolls are planned to portray things (in some of their scenes) that could happen in real life, not just the fantasy life of little teen witches.  I am happy I found a medical set and I intend to add to it with other first aid items.

All the pieces work well with the size of my girls.  Another great find, indeed!

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Our Generation Under the Microscope

The Our Generation Under the Microscope set is darling!  I happened to get it at home on a 20% off sale and got it for $10.39.
The set includes 1 pair of glasses (which are way too big for my girls) 1 functioning microscope, 1 lab beaker (they call it a flask) 1 test tube stand and 3 test tubes. The size of the pieces fit well for my girls with the exception of the glasses as you can see in the photo.
I’m so glad I got it.  I intend to make a few accessories to go with it like a Bunsen burner for the beaker and some slides for the girls to put under the microscope.
I always loved Science class and I am excited to write some scenes for these accessories.This set is a great addition to their accessories and the Magic and Mayhem series.

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

Monday, 1 May 2017

Our Generation Day at the Beach

This set was one on my list I’d hoped to find while in Phoenix.  I actually found the first one in Las Vegas and the second one in Phoenix.  I had not planned on buying 2 of them but later when I saw the second I thought that it would be better if I did buy 2 so I can have 2 girls relaxing by the pool or on the beach.
I love this set.  I love the lounge chair and the sandcastle is just the cutest.  I think I can even use it to make a mold so I can make a few more if I so choose.  The other accessories: a pail, 2 different sand molds, a shovel and rake, 3 different shells, and a tube of sunscreen, are just as cute.  The pail is a little big for my girls but I have lots of Barbie pails that are an acceptable size to use if I wanted that instead.
I bought a blow-up pool for the girls in 2016 from Dollarama and had thought it would be great to have a hammock or lounge chair in the backyard for the girls.  I didn’t know about this beach set at the time I bought the pool so now I am very happy to have this in their accessories.
It seems that no matter what I think of, somehow, somewhere I’ll find just the right accessories to go with it.  This is truly one of those times.

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!