Monday 27 July 2015

Kindell - The Last US Surprise

At the Portland Swap Meet I really didn’t think I would find much that was of interest to me.  The Swap Meet was for car collectors with some antiques and collectibles.  Since my significant other is a major car collector and restorer, this stop along our way was for him.  He did tell me that there might be other things I might find interesting, but dolls?  He wasn’t sure.  I highly doubted I would find Teen Trends Dolls in the middle of millions of car parts for muscle cars.

I am unable to walk very well due to some troubles with my feet and I must admit that I was not looking forward to hobbling along with my cane searching row after row of car stuff hoping a doll would miraculously be displayed for sale.

I limped along with my cane amid the crowds and car parts sticking out into the aisles and by the time I got through the first building without find ANYTHING, I really didn’t want to try to walk any further.  I was ready to call it a day.

But it seems I was born under a lucky star after all!  There were two indoor exhibition buildings and as I glanced along the rows in the second building debating whether I wanted to struggle along them, I saw what looked like GI Joe type dolls.  I headed over immediately.

When I saw the dolls I felt like all the agony of walking along may pay off after all.  I walked up to the man in the booth and cheerfully struck up a conversation.  I asked if he happened to have any larger dolls other than the action figures and Barbie’s I saw as I got closer.

Without skipping a beat he said “I sure do,” and turned, reached to his left and out popped Kianna!  I was stunned!  I told him that I was in shock and asked how much he wanted for her.  His price was $10 USD.  I asked if I could look her over and removed her pants to see how tight the elastic in her legs was.  She was in great shape in terms of her joints.  However, I noted paint in her hair, paint and some other substance on her face, her left leg was covered in some kind of goo, she had foot wear and the saddest of the marks on her was her chest.  Whoever had her and decided to detail her chest with nipples.  My heart sank because it looked like nail polish.
The vendor asked what I thought of her and I mentioned the issues and asked if his price was firm.  Cheerfully he asked me if I was going to bargain with him.  I told him yes and he laughed.  I brought up the chest issue and he tried to get the substance off.  He did manage to take off the first layer but I could see the plastic was stained.  He gave me suggestions on what I could use to clean it off and I politely nodded knowing that these chemicals would damage her further.  I offered $8.00 and he accepted.  We chatted for a while and I learned he had another large doll but didn’t think it was a TTD, based on the picture I showed him. 

I did not find another item that I wanted during the rest of the swap meet and was so glad to finally leave.  In the car I took the wet wipes I carry everywhere and began to clean off the crud from her face, legs and feet.  As it turned out her feet were not damaged at all.  I was happy. 

Once cleaned up (with the exception of her hair) she was beautiful and in great shape.  She came with her original pants, belt and jacket. 

This doll was another Kianna.  I now had 2 Kianna’s and of course, Wiccah.  Even though I think this doll’s hair will be okay once she is completely bathed, I will re-root her with a copper color hair.  I intend to keep her green eyes, but may alter the color of her lips.  I think that with luxurious copper red hair, green eyes and medium pink lips she will be utterly beautiful.

I knew immediately what I would name her and what element she would represent.  I named her Kindell and she would represent the element of fire. 

During this trip I had acquired 3 dolls in less than a week.  Dolls I had struggled to find at home.  I was elated.

Part of the life of the collector is the journey along the path of finding the treasures.  This time it wasn’t the journey, it was the end of the journey and that road led me to 3 amazing new dolls to add to my growing little family.

Gotta love that!!!

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

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