Sunday 26 April 2015

Finding Rowan

Back to the internet I went to find the next 2 dolls.  It did not prove fruitful at all and I despaired I would not complete the set.

One day (24 September 2014) as I was in the Goodwill thrift store (the same one I found Wiccah) I recognized a bare foot while sifting through the mound of dolls.  I pulled out the doll and thought “Is this a Teen Trend?”  Her hair was cut really short but I recognized that beautiful facial structure.  I pulled at her clothes and confirmed she was indeed, a Teen Trend.

I later learned Deondra was her Mattel name.  I was disappointed that her beautiful auburn hair was cut short but whoever cut it did a fairly good job.  I could live with it.  She cost me $3.00.  She came with a velour track suit, one sandal and a pair of sunglasses.

This doll would represent Fall and I named her Rowan – inspired by the Rowan tree.  Bringing Rowan home to meet Wiccah and Summer was exciting.  The sisters were slowly reuniting.

Since Rowan had short hair she became my model for making clothes and creating patterns.  It helps tremendously that I am able to create patterns easily for either sewing or crocheting (knitting is questionable).  If there are patterns out there for Teen Trends, I’ve yet to find them.  My only option was to get busy designing.

Rowan also travels with me when I go shopping or bargain hunting for things that will fit their house.  Again, the fact that her hair is short makes her ideal to pack around because I am not concerned her hair will get ruined.  Her only other affliction is that she has a bit of the floppy leg problem that Summer has.  This can be a real pain when fitting clothing on her while creating a pattern.  In the end, floppy legs are better than unruly hair so Rowan is ideal for my model and travel companion. 

I am so happy that she is a part of our growing little family.  Now to find the last one…

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

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