Wednesday 22 April 2015

Silver / Summer Comes Home

Searching the internet for another doll was not an easy task.  Most dolls for sale were not in my province or most of the ads were old and the doll sold long ago.  I was having no luck.  Everyday I went on Kijiji and scanned the doll section.  I even put up a want ad.

Then one day I got a hit.  The doll was in Grande Prairie, Alberta.  Since I worked for a company that had a branch in Grande Prairie, I asked my boss if I could get one of our drivers to bring the doll back for me when he did a round trip.  My boss told me he was going there so he would bring her back himself.  (a heartfelt thanks, Gordon!)

I wrote the woman with the ad and after about a week she responded that the doll was still available.  She was $5.00.  Within a week I had my new doll in my hands (23 April 2013).  It was Gabby.  I was so elated!  I brought her home and introduced Wiccah to her new sister.  I named her Silver.  Silver would represent Spring and Summer and Wiccah would represent Fall and Winter.  I figured I had this down pat. (grin)

Silver was in passable shape but her hair was straw-like and her legs had issues.  They were floppy and she couldn't sit very well.  She came with a box, outfit and shoes.  Immediately I started making her clothes too.  I decided I would make identical styled outfits but different colors.  And of course a bed.  They would share Wiccah’s current “house”.

The one thing I seemed to have difficulty with was calling Silver by her name.  I always called her Summer.  She was “Silver Summervale”, not “Summer Summervale”.  I couldn't seem to keep Silver’s name straight for the life of me!  Was this a sign? (grin)

My decision to have all four dolls changed things quite a bit.  When I finally had the fourth doll more than a year later, I made the decision to change Silver’s name to Summer and change their last name to Silvervale.  I’m getting a little ahead of myself but it now feels right and Summer is happy with her name change!  What a relief!

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

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