Wednesday 29 April 2015

A Long Journey for Amber

The forth doll eluded me for a long time – about 18 months.  I finally found her on eBay in October 2014.  She came all the way from Rhode Island, USA.  It was a long journey for her to my home city of Edmonton.  When I first saw her auction and started bidding, it was on the first day of her ad.  I had to wait six days to find out if she would be mine.  I was so thankful when the bidding closed and no one else had scooped her from me.  She arrived in record time (27 October 2014) and I couldn't wait to open the box.  Her Mattel name was Courtney. 

What excited me most was she came with a couple outfits, some accessories and 3 pairs of sandal shoes.  Each of these items would assist me in creating patterns to make more clothes for them.  Sadly, she also suffers from Floppy Leg Syndrome (which I have now coined for these dolls).
While I waited for this doll to arrive, I started running names through my head.  I knew I had to see her before I could fully decide.  When she arrived and I had a good look at her, I decided to name her Amber (aka Yafoor).

Now here I must digress for a moment to tell you about how Amber got her nickname.  My son and I are big Minecraft game players.  He first introduced me to the game back in July of 2014 because he thought that, due to the building block nature of the game, it would be beneficial to me for planning and building my doll village.  I could create 3D buildings and arrange them through the elements of the game.  What a fantastic idea!

His introduction of the game was through a YouTube video and when he showed it to me, we laughed at the parody.  In the video satire, the donkey was named Yafoor.  My son and I joked about that donkey many times and when I had mentioned the last doll would be arriving any day now and I needed to name her, my son said I should name her Yafoor.  Yes, it was funny at the time but I was NOT about to do that. 

When she arrived, I texted him right away.  I told him her new name as Amber.  My son texted me back saying: (and I quote) “You realize that anytime you refer to her, I’ll refuse to acknowledge who you are talking about until you call her Yafoor.”  So now we call her Yafoor.

Introducing her to the others was so much fun.  My family of Teen Trend girls was now complete.

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

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