Friday 10 April 2015

Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

The Silvervale Sisters
Featuring Mattel Teen Trend Fashion Dolls

I am finally on the track to Teen Trend Doll madness!  I love these dolls!  I’m a late bloomer but bloom I did and what I found in these beautiful dolls is such enjoyment!  Who can’t love something that makes you feel so happy?

My only regret is that I didn’t see their potential until now!  Well, that’s not quite accurate.  14 March 2013 is when it all began for me.  A slow beginning but we all have to start somewhere, don’t we?

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Shazara.  I am an avid Barbie collector.  I’ve been collecting Barbie’s my entire life.  At this time of writing I believe I have just over 2300 dolls.  I designed and began to build a Barbie village many years ago - and it’s a never ending project, I assure you!

Through my years of collecting, making and modifying furniture, accessories and the buildings (which I call blocks) I’ve amassed a huge amount of Barbie stuff.  I've also created personalities and lives for all the dolls which are to inhabit the Barbie village.  This entire project is a huge undertaking and one day I hope to have a website devoted to my village.

After more than 35 years of Barbie, I needed a bit of a break.  I still hunted down treasures to add to my Barbie village, but I was not active with the dolls as much.  Trust me when I say I needed that break! (grin)

Into my life came Mattel’s Teen Trends dolls and now I am very proud to introduce my girls in order of the photo below….Rowan, Amber, Summer and Wiccah Silvervale.

I hope you have some fun as you journey with me through the amazing world of doll collecting and my humble personal collection.

What are we waiting for!  Let’s get started!

Let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

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