Monday 6 March 2017

Elianne - The Sun

After finding Danica at the Goodwill Store, I headed over to the Value Village a few blocks away.  As I mentioned before, I hardly ever go into Value Village since they rarely have anything I am looking for and their prices are always twice the amount than those at Goodwill.  This day I decided I would check it out as I really felt I should make the effort.

When I entered the toy section the standard stuff I usually see lined the aisles.  I did a scan of the bags of toys but didn’t see anything of interest.  When I turned down the doll aisle I saw a familiar foot sticking out from the bottom of a pile of dolls.  I knew that foot without a shadow of a doubt.

Now, whose features would be attached to that foot?  When I pulled her out of the pile my heart skipped a beat!  And who would it be?  Teen Trends Courtney doll. She was priced at $4.99.  And of all things, she was dressed in the exact same clothes as the Deondra doll I found at Goodwill only a half hour earlier.

This doll is the one doll I never seemed to find here.  Amber, who is the same doll, came from Rhode Island in the US.  She travelled a long way to join our family. Even when I travelled to Phoenix, Arizona, I still never found another doll like her.

As I stared into this beautiful doll’s eyes, I was a little concerned that the grey marks all over her face would not come off.  I tried to rub off a small spot and determined that it must be pencil marks and it did in fact come off fairly easy. I was so relieved.

As I examined her a little further I also noticed she had a slight scratch on the right side of her cheek straight down from the corner of her lip to the top of her chin.  The plastic that had scratched off was still attached - until I touched it. It is only a slight scratch and the more I examined it the more I thought that it would not be noticeable.  The last thing I saw at that time was that 3 of her fingertips were slightly chewed or rubbed.  I was sure I could smooth out the fingertips and make her fingers look normal.  Thankfully there wasn’t much damage to her fingertips and I felt confident no one would really notice.

When I left the store I was quite happy to have found her and add her to our growing family.  To think that on the way over I was wondering if I would ever find another doll like her only to stumble upon her moments later was a huge stroke of luck...or was it meant to be?  All I can say is Whoo! Hoo!

When I got home I gave her a bath and washed her hair. She had quite matty hair but it didn’t look like it was cut any shorter than the original length.  I managed to get all the pencil marks off her face and any other marks from her body.  Her hair was in poor condition, many bald spots and re-rooting her hair will be the best for her since I don’t think I can improve the hair she has.  She came dressed in tan pants, a white t-shirt, jean jacket, no shoes, but a silver flower necklace and 2 round earrings.

With respect to her joints, I was very happy to see that her legs and arms were in great shape, the joints tight with no floppiness.  What a relief.

When I looked at her and chose her representation, I decided that she would represent The Sun and I named her Elianne.  Her name means Daughter of the Sun.  I will re-root her hair a golden sunshine blonde.  Currently I don’t have any hair the color I want so until I go to the hair shop, she will remain with her current hair.  Re-rooting a doll takes a fair bit of time and I am still deciding if I want to re-root the doll by sewing in the hair on the head or make wigs instead.  With the bad quality of Elianne’s hair, she may be the first one to be re-rooted/wigged and made-over.

I am so happy to have found her.  Elianne gives me hope that I will find more of this type of doll to add to our growing family.  We now are a family of 10 girls.  Three more to go and we are complete.  How great is that?

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

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