Friday 10 March 2017

Welcoming Cassiopeia - The Planets

I found the eleventh member of the Silvervale Sister’s family at Value Village in November 2016.
It was Kiana and she was priced at $14.99.  To be honest, I was not willing to pay that.  I was very disappointed to discover that whoever owned her had tried to separate her fingers and snapped off the pinky finger on her right hand.  Her hair was trashed; she had pencil marks on her face and body and she was very dirty.  

I was happy to find her but the damage to her made me really sad.  I realize that these are all pre-owned dolls but it always makes me sad to see how they were treated.
Prior to talking to the manager I wandered around the store looking at her and wondering if I should get her at all.  Value Village is known for being way overpriced for second hand goods.  The more I looked at her the more I really did want to take her - even in her condition.  

I spoke with the manager and said, “Come on, look at her.  She needs a lot of restoration.”  The manager caved in and I got her for $4.99.
She was wearing jeans, a pink t-shirt (which was snagged due to the price tag they shot through it at the store) and star shaped earring studs.  Her hair was unevenly cut all over making a mess of it.  She will be re-rooted or wigged for sure as I don’t think I can do anything with that hair.

Now to decide her name and what part of the Chapter of Universe she would represent.  I decided she would represent the planets and her given name is Cassiopeia.  She is the 3rd addition to the Chapter of Universe.  I am not sure about her representation dress because there are so many colors I can choose from for planets.  It may come down to choosing the color that is not already taken by the other Chapters.  This makes her quite versatile, which is a good thing. (grin)

I am very close to having all the girls come together.  Two more to go and the family is complete.

We’re so close….so very close…

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

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