Thursday 2 March 2017

Danica - The Stars

My neighborhood Goodwill thrift store has been kind to me once again.  One Saturday I headed to Goodwill driven by a feeling that I should check it out before I started my weekend chores.  

As my “doll collector spidey sense” spurned me out of bed, I was glad I got there early because there on the toy shelf, lay a treasure that made my grinning face hurt!  She was Mattel’s Teen Trends Deondra.  She was only $3.00 and I couldn’t believe my luck!

She was dressed in tan pants, white t-shirt, jean jacket and no shoes.  She had one round earring in her ear but that was all.  Her hair was terribly matted and a couple hair bands were tangled in the mass.   Her joints were passable, from what I could tell at first, but I would know more when I really checked her out. 

When I got her home I stripped her down, gave her a good bath and washed her hair.  I didn’t realize her hair had been cut to about half the original length until then.  In the end it really didn’t matter much since her hair would be re-rooted when she had her makeover.  Still I trimmed it to make it even.

Goodwill tends to mark their dolls and she had a “V” marked at the bottom of her foot in a black Sharpie.  This always disappoints me as it devalues the doll, in my opinion.  They do not take into account it may be bought by a collector.  Other than that there were no other marks on her that would mar her beauty.  

With respect to her joints, once she was bathed I checked her arms and leg joints and found that she does suffer from loose legs, as well as loose arm elastic.  It is unusual for me to find a doll with floppy arm joints.  I was a little sad to see that.  Regardless of these issues, I was so happy to have found this doll.

The next step after her bath was to decide on her representation.  From that her name would be chosen.

The next chapter in the series for the girls is the Chapter of Universe.  This Chapter is comprised of The Moon, The Sun, The Stars and The Planets.  This chapter is the final chapter (at this time).

As I looked into her eyes, I began to see where she would make the best fit.  She would represent The Stars.  I named her Danica, meaning Morning Star.

Each of the girls will have a dress which depicts her representation when all the girls have come together to complete the family.  When I did a little research on what colors are associated with the stars, I chose flame red as the images of the stars I looked at close up were stunning and to my surprise, all reds and oranges.

I am very excited to begin this next chapter.  Though there is a lot of work ahead of me to make their fashions, accessories and everything the girls need to thrive in their doll family, I am looking forward to the fun I’m going to have as I bring them to “life”.

I am happy that you have joined in my fun.

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

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