Monday 27 March 2017

Our Generation Accessories - Jeep

I bought the Our Generation jeep when I started collecting my girls and had only the foresight of collecting four dolls.  Target was still in town and they carried a wide variety of stuff I really wanted.

I shouldn’t have been surprised to see that my doll could barely see over the steering wheel.  My girls are 17” tall but have a much smaller body, hands and feet than Our Generation Girl dolls.

This jeep is dark pink and silver-grey with a tan colored seat.  I’m not big on the dark pink – I’m “Pinked” out because of 47 years of Barbie and I intend to paint it at a later date.  I will do some detailing both inside and out to give it a little more realism, detailing knobs, handles etc.

Both doors are hinged and open up fairly wide.  The mirrors are also hinged which means that when I store the jeep I don’t have to worry about bending or breaking them off.  One can simply turn those inward.  The motion of the jeep is great with the wheels rolling smoothly.

I will need to make a cover for the seats to boost my girls up.  In the before pictures you can see Wiccah is sitting too low and she can barely see out the windshield.

In the next pictures she is sitting on a 3” roll of packing tape to boost her to about the proper height.

Making seat covers which are stuffed with thick foam will solve the problem of the seat height.

This next picture is one I found on the internet (not sure where I found it) and it shows the AG doll’s head is actually a little between the roll bars of the jeep.  That’s a bit too high (however maybe it’s just the camera angle...?)

The rest of the jeep’s scale is great.  Now the girls can go on a road trip, pull a trailer, carriage or horse trailer.  But those are future ideas to come… (grin)

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul. 

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