Wednesday 19 April 2017

Garden Wheel Barrow

While in Phoenix (2017) I was in Wal-Mart and saw a cute little wheel barrow on the shelf by itself.  It had no tag, nothing to identify where it was from.  I figured that it was from a set that was opened by a customer.

Then at a different Wal-Mart a few days later I was looking at the My Life doll section when I saw 2 of them stacked on the shelf featuring My Life doll furniture.  Still nothing to identify it so this time I thought they must be a single sold item.  I found a clerk and asked if she knew the price.  She didn’t but the manager decided to give them to me for $3.00 USD each.  I thought that was a good bargain.

Since I bought the My Life garden accessories set in 2016 when it came out at home, I figured this was an awesome find.  I plan to make a garden for the girls and this would fit right in with their other gardening accessories.

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.
Blessed Be, My Friends! 

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