Friday 14 April 2017

Wecome Sundancer!

My trip to Phoenix in 2017 netted me some great stuff for the girls.  But the one “fantastic find” was not in the least expected.

I must live under a rock or something because I didn’t realize the Our Life accessories line had a foal!  I found it in a Wal-Mart on the way through Las Vegas and was like, What???!!!!  However, I didn’t buy it there as I thought for sure I would find them again when we got to Phoenix.

One Phoenix Wal-Mart in particular was clearing out the Christmas stock and I found this little one on sale for $10.00 USD.  Normally it was $14.97 but when you look at the exchange ratio in Canadian dollars, getting it on sale was like buying it for $14.97 at home.  Except I’d never seen this one at home and I know if I did, it would be about $25 instead.
This cute little foal is light brown in color and will be the offspring of Stormrider and Windsong.  I’ve decided this foal would be female and I named her Sundancer.

I have no storylines for a foal yet.  I need to decide if the girls will find the horses and the foal come at a later time, or include the foal when the girls discover the horses for the first time. 

With the addition of Sundancer, new accessories are required and a bigger stall for her and Windsong to share so that mom and baby stay together.
Now, wouldn’t it be great if I could find another foal in the tan color of the other two horses….
One never knows what I will stumble across next!

Update: Since I wrote this post I found the foal in a Wal-Mart close to home.  She retails at $24.95 (just like I suspected).  I got a steal of a deal while in Phoenix.  I’m crossing my fingers that I can find more colors on my next trip. 

As always, let kindness and positive energy
fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

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