Wednesday 26 April 2017

My Life Student Desk

With the decision to incorporate a classroom into the Magic and Mayhem series confirmed, there was a lot of thought into how I was going to work around 13 dolls.  I decided that since the girls are divided into “Chapters”, this was a good division for how they would be separated into classrooms too.  Add that to the fact that I was only able to get 4 school room accessories - that sealed the deal. The next step was to create a classroom and when I happen to run across a picture of the school desks from Wal-Mart, well, I had to have them!  They were on my list of things I had hoped to find in my 2017 Phoenix trip.  As it turned out, I did find 2 desks at one Wal-Mart.

One was pink and purple, the other purple and blue.  I really liked the purple and blue as I am pretty much “pink”ed out.  I didn’t want to lose out on getting any desks at all, I decided I would take them both and hoped I’d find others to have a full set of 4.  The next time I found them at Wal-Mart I was lucky enough to find 3 blue and purple desks.  Now I have a full set of 4 with the extra pink one.

The school desk is sold as 1 unit for $9.97 USD.  However, the desk part comes apart from the chair so if you wanted to use the chairs as simply a chair, it works.  The other removable piece is the basket shelf under the chair which clips into the chair legs.  These desks are super cute and I’m really glad that I found all 4 in the same colors.  They fit the girls well.

Now when the girls are learning to perfect their magic in class, they can learn in a proper school setting!

As always, let kindness and positive energy
 fill your mind, body and soul.

Blessed Be, My Friends!

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